Fizz Hall of Fame
If Fizz ever shuts down, this series could be a valuable historical document as to what the app (and Wesleyan’s online culture) was like—unless our servers get wiped again, of course. So I’d like to use this space to present something of a Fizz Hall of Fame, featuring some of the app’s most popular posts by various metrics. (All of this is from my own record-keeping, so any errors are on me.)
10 Most Upvoted: I was gonna put this in for completeness’s sake, but the top 10 has changed so much in the last few weeks that this would become outdated in no time at all. The #1 post hasn’t changed in a while though:

10 Most Downvoted: AKA the “Satan List,” as it was dubbed by another Fizzer when I brought up my collection of the most downvoted posts:

For once, someone’s attempt at karma farming backfired. More like this please.

I can’t help but wonder if this person was trying to get as many downvotes as possible for this obviously bad take.

READ THE ROOM — in no way did the encampment “simulate the reality in Gaza.” We’re talking about the difference between a literal war zone and a college you’re paying $85,000 to attend. Ten bucks says this was one of the people who ordered DoorDash to their tent when they were like 50 yards from Usdan.

Found Ben Shapiro’s alt


As a popsicle-stick-built Wesleyan guy, this just makes me not want to go to the gym in the first place. Checkmate!


This is also the most-refizzed post I’ve seen.

Look, I helped the Instagram Egg set the world record, but that isn’t an event you can replicate. They didn’t even use the actual egg photo. (The egg’s record has since been passed by Lionel Messi’s post celebrating his 2022 World Cup win.)

I’m honestly surprised to see this become the most-downvoted post. People have posted this sort of thing before and it hasn’t gotten nearly as many downvotes.
Most Comments: No good deed goes unpunished…

Most Upvoted Comment: yeah i dunno this one actually
Most Downvoted Comment:

Best Marketplace Listings: I’ve never actually bought anything on Fizz Marketplace, I just bookmark the funniest listings.

My Proudest Moment on Fizz: When someone said my post was their “favorite Fizz post ever”

Most Underrated Post: This meme died way too quickly

BONUS: What’s the deal with Helio?
While Fizz is probably the most popular anonymous social media app on the Wesleyan campus (going by upvote counts), I should probably mention Helio, which is a fourth app with practically identical functionality. I think it was called “Better Social” at one point, but a much better name would’ve been “the version of Fizz.” It has far fewer users, and its associated Instagram account (the misleadingly-named @wesleyan.confessions) is clearly run by a person who doesn’t even go here (if it even is a human posting to the account). I mean, get a load of these posts:
“Weekend nights with gym close is crazy… Why Ksc close at six on weekends?” (KSC is a building at Wellesley College.)
“im so tired of ppl coming on here and complaining about how [they] miss men or wish they went to a party school like??? what were u expecting use ur brain” (Last I checked, Wesleyan is not an all-girls school. Again, that’s Wellesley College.)
“JFC I thought this account was supposed to be a fun follow. Just melodramatic, masturbatory whining.” (The fact that this made it onto the Instagram seems to back up the bot theory.)
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